Portable and Cassette Toilets

Welcome to our range of portable toilets and built-in cassette toilets for caravans and motorhomes.
Camping toilets have become a popular option not only for camping, caravans and campervans, but have also found increasing popularity in the home, where people have found they make a great temporary or additional loo, including in cases of elderly care or post-operation support. We also supply portable toilet frames that raise the portable toilets even higher from the ground, adjustable to up to 23" high, ideal for elderly or disabled users. Vat relief may be also available on the frames only.
These camping toilets and campervan toilets all work on the same principle. They use a bottom waste tank, paired with a top tank for flushing. They are then furnished with a seat and lid, just like a domestic toilet.
Our YouTube video below answers frequently asked questions about camping toilets, including:
- How to empty a camping toilet
- How portable camping toilets work
- What chemicals you need to use with a camping toilet
Portable Toilets
Portable toilets are simply two containers which fasten together; the bottom tank holds the waste and the top tank features a toilet bowl, fresh water reservoir with a flushing mechanism and is completed with a conventional toilet seat and lid, giving your campervan toilet or camping toilet extra comfort.
Cassette Toilets
Built in caravan or motorhome toilets have a removable cassette tank which fits under the toilet itself with the main part of these toilets secured to either the wall or floor of the caravan or motorhome. Cassette toilets can be adapted to other applications, but they do need to be fixed to a wall that has level access from the other side to enable that the waste tank can be slid out for emptying (this is usually through an access door type 3, also available from us).
The built in water tank versions also need a water filler cap door which is like the petrol or diesel filler cap on your car and enables the built in flushing reservoir to be easily topped up.
For advice on chemical toilets, feel free to call our helpful and friendly team Mon-Fri on: 0151 334 0222