Cassette Toilets

We stock cassette toilets from both of the major manufacturers; Thetford and Dometic. These are exactly the same toilets that you find in a Brand New Caravan or Motorhome and can be retro fitted to update your vehicle, or even built into a new conversion.
Cassette Toilets for vehicles with and without their own onboard water tank
All of our Cassette Toilets can be broken down into two basic categories: the first draw flushing water from the vehicles own onboard water tank, and the second have a built in water tank. A built in water tank essentially does the same job as a domestic cistern, except that here it’s an integrated and stylish component of the unit.
Toilets with their own tanks need a water fill door which is essentially a lockable filler cap on the outside of the vehicle. Filler doors come inclusive with certain models of cassette toilets, but not all of them, so please check the specifications of whichever model you’re interested in buying to verify this.
We have filler doors available to purchase from our store should you find yourself needing one!
Cassette Toilets with adjustable swivel seats / bowls
We stock a variety of swivel style units by both Thetford and Dometic. These wonderfully adjustable cassette toilets are able to swivel 180°, have the appearance of a domestic home toilet and are commonly found in caravans and motorhomes that have a separate shower / dressing room.
Thetford Cassette Toilets which feature a swivel bowl / seat also come in two sizes: the standard C200 and the slightly larger C260. The C260's are available with standard or ceramic bowls whilst both Dometic models have ceramic inlays to the bowl.
All of the cassette toilets have to be screwed to the vehicle and are not freestanding. Access must be available from the outside of the vehicle to remove the cassette waste tank. This is normally through a hinged locker door (size / type 3), which can also be purchased from ourselves.
In the event that you should be purchasing a cassette toilet for installation in something other than a caravan or motorhome (which is possible, but a little more complicated) then please ring us for expert technical advice: 0151 334 0222. We’re happy to help!